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d b t c system

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The flagship system of Cataclysm Infinity, Dungeon Bosses and Treasure Chests allow daily adventuring and player interaction. When you see a system message showing a Boss or Chest has spawned, you know you have a chance at obtaining some of the best and most useful items in Britannia. You could be seeking the Vanity items looking to complete your set of rare wearables, or the Vanishing items to improve your stats or skills. Favored by players, you won't find a system like this on any other server. Defend yourself from PK's while waiting for a Chest to pop or adventure deep into a dungeon looking for the legendary Boss.



Dungeon Bosses

From the lore of the Ultima series, you will find some familiar villains that need to be vanquished once again! Dungeon Bosses spawn in any dungeon and could be anywhere or on any floor when they spawn. Difficult to kill, you may seek a group when fighting these top tier enemies. Upon defeat, a system message is broadcasted to the server that the "Dungeon Boss has been killed!" They drop a Treasure Chest, and the timer to unlock starts upon the death of the monster. Because they are more difficult then World Chests, they have a slightly higher chance of dropping higher end items.

World Chests

The best scavenger hunt that Ultima Online has to offer. After spawning, a system message announces with a vague reference to the World Chest's location. As the timer continues, the details of it's location become more specific. You may want to dust off your old Ultima Online Cloth Map to help you triangulate the coordinates of the chest that is somewhere "North East of Britain and South of Despise" for example. You will know you've come across the chest as you will see smoke billowing out of it. Double click to start the unlock timer, and a system message that the "Treasure Chest has been found!" will be announced to the server. Can you survive another Murderer player that may be also seeking the chest before it unlocks?



Vanity Items

The rarest loot from the DBTC system are the wearable Vanity Items, permanent blessed clothing of the rarest quality spawning in Tailoring Tub Restricted colors. The rarest of which are Shrouds, highly desirable wearables which flaunt your status as a premier player. Below shrouds, rare Tribal Masks, or Layered Torches or Lanterns may spawn. How many can you collect, or will you sell them for Millions of gold?




Tribal Masks





Common Items

These items do not decay, like the Vanishing items. Power Hour Scrolls allow you to instantly receive an extra hour of Power Hour on double click. Skull of Mondain is useful in dungeons and will instantly kill all monsters on the screen. Berzerker's Elixer greatly increases physical damage against monsters. Magic Dye tubs are for clothing and can spawn in up to 200 rare colors.


Magic Dye Tub


Power Hour Scroll


Skull of Mondain


Berzerker's Elixer

Vanishing Items

Vanishing items are of great benefit to the player that uses them, even if only temporary. They will decay within a week of creation, and the remaining time is viewable at double click. The clothing items can raise your Armor Rating or Tactics by a specified amount. Stat Jewelry will raise your Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence based on the item type that drops. Merchant Jewelry raises your crafting skills, with the largest increase by wearing all three pieces. Virtuoso Instruments increase your Bard and Music skills. Vampiric Bracelet will allow you to absorb HP from physical attacks against monsters. Legendary Weapons are by far the most powerful in the game and are useable in PvP. Only one Legendary Weapon will exist on the server at any given time, keeping the wielder ahead of the pack!


Merchant Jewelry


Vampiric Bracelet


Armored / Skill Clothes


Virtuoso Instruments


Stat Jewelry


Legendary Weapons

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