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Fantasy Gaming


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The following commands can be executed in game by players:


[password newpass newpass - Change your password to the specified new password.

[where - Shows your location coordinates.

[cuo - Access the Cataclysm menu

[e or [e emote - Pick from a list of emotes, or call to play a specific emote.

[on - See online players, and for Private Message chat.

[PM name - Send the named player a Private Message.

[chat or [c - Open the chat menu.

[c message - Broadcast a message to the server.

[mail - Opens your mailbox.

[g list - See a list of online guild mates.

[g message - Send a message using guild chat.

[a message - Send a message using alliance chat.

[opendoor - In game command to open doors.

[menuresponse number - Call for a response to a menu via in game command.

[friends - Shows a list of your friends.

[skillrewards - Opens the GM Rewards menu

buy / vendor buy - Shows the purchase list from a vendor.

sell / vendor sell - Shows the items in your bag you can sell to a vendor.

bank - When near a bank, opens your bank box.

power hour - Checks the status of power hour availability.

power hour start - Starts your power hour.

i renounce my young player status - When Young, this removes young privileges. 

i wish to lock this down - When in a house, makes an item immovable.

i wish to release this - When in a house, releases a locked down item.

i wish to secure this - When in a house, creates a secure container. 

i wish to place a trash barrel here - When in a house, creates a trash can.

remove thyself - When in a house, ejects the target player.

i ban thee - When in a house, bans the target player from entering.

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